Annual Meetings

Each year, usually in the autumn, IBBA holds an annual conference in a different part of the inland area.  There you can meet amateur and professional banders and ornithologists with a  wide range of interests and discuss mutual concerns.  The two day weekend meeting includes scientific papers and reports, informal talks about birds, workshop sessions on identification and banding techniques, field trips to watch birds and/or observe banding, a business meeting, and annual banquet.

2024 IBBA Meeting

Arkansas Audubon Society’s fall meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas from October 25-27, 2024

The Inland Bird Banding Association’s annual meeting will be held jointly with the Arkansas Audubon Society’s fall meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas from October 25-27, 2024. Events will include banding demonstrations, scientific presentations, guest speakers, field trips led by experienced local guides, and much more. Check back here and our facebook page  regularly for updates or contact Steven Gabrey (IBBA Secretary) at

The theme of this year’s meeting is “Inspiring the Next Generation of Bird Conservationists.” We would like to hear from researchers, educators, and others who use novel and innovative educational approaches, such as incorporating banding, to reach out to, connect with, and ultimately inspire the next generation of young people willing to take on the hard work necessary to continue avian conservation in the future.

Call for Presenters

The Inland Bird Banding Association and Arkansas Audubon Society announce a first call for abstracts for oral and poster presentations at our joint annual meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas from October 25-27, 2024. We expect 100+ attendees from across Arkansas and the rest of the IBBA region.

We are interested in a diversity of voices and welcome contributions from banders and other conservationists, educators and students, conservation agency personnel, and anyone with an interest in promoting the future of bird banding and bird conservation. Presentation topics may include (but are not limited to) research and monitoring (particularly that which incorporates banding or marking birds), general birding interest, and conservation education and outreach.

We also encourage a diversity of presentation formats. These can include oral or poster presentations, demonstrations of innovative educational practices, and others.

As part of our meeting theme, we are planning a panel discussion focusing on connecting with and inspiring the next generation of bird banders and conservationists. If you are interested in participating in this panel, or know of someone who would be, reach out to us for more details.

And finally, we are planning an opportunity for banders to share their innovative or unusual techniques such a net support and deployment, net repair, and anything else that may be of interest to banders.

If you are interested in participating, please reach out to Steven Gabrey ( or Cheryl Johnson ( with any questions including potential topics, presentation formats, or other meeting details.

2nd Call for Presenters and submission form

Past Meetings

2023 IBBA Meeting

Inland Bird Banding Association Annual Meeting
Warner Park Nature Center, Nashville, Tennessee

November 10-12, 2023

The 2023 annual conference was held at Warner Park Nature Center in Nashville, Tennessee on November 10–12, 2023. This meeting included updates from IBBA and the Bird Banding Laboratory, scientific paper and poster presentations, a Saturday evening banquet, and a Sunday bird watching field trip or Motus workshop option.

We had a wonderful time and look forward to 2024’s meeting,

The 2023 IBBA meeting planning team: David Aborn, Sandy Bivens, Susan Bradfield, Laura Cook, Vera Roberts, Kathy Shaw, Jessica Steele


  • Activities: Evening mixer / networking
  • Food: Grazing stations with BBQ, pasta, and nacho bars
  • Presentation by BSBO staff


  • Continental Breakfast
  • Bird banding at Black Swamp Bird Observatory
  • Lunch
  • Paper Presentations and Poster Sessions
  • IBBA Annual Meeting
  • Evening Banquet and Keynote Presentation

The Saturday night banquet will be buffet style and include oven-baked chicken, roast beef au jus, and vegetable lasagna.



Mark Shieldcastle, Research Director
Black Swamp Bird Observatory
13551 West State Route 2
Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449

The 2021 annual meeting was held in Springfield, Illinois at Lincoln Land Community College on October 8-10, 2021.

The 2020 annual meeting was cancelled due to COVID-19.

The 2019  annual IBBA meeting was held on November 8–10, at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Alabama

The annual meeting was held on October 26-28, 2018 in St. Louis Missouri